Monday, February 9, 2009


2/10/09 1:25pm
The mouse is STILL here!!! I NEED AN EXORCISM!!!! Anything that rustles, moves, makes noise, etc makes me almost come completely out of my skin!!! I can't handle this!!!!
12:30am UPDATE:
Well, the mouse is still hanging out under the hutch. It's there and not leaving....we can't get it. I have resigned myself to having to buy mousetraps tomorrow!!! I HATE MICE!!!
We have determined that's only ONE MOUSE.....which is ONE MOUSE TOO MANY!!
It's currently trapped in the den behind the hutch. Alan's trying to figure out to get him out of here!!! OMG!! I HATE MICE!!!
11:50pm UPDATE:
We have one behind the entertainment center and one in the kitchen!!! NOW WE HAVE TWO MICE!!!! CAAAAAAAAAAAAALGON!!! I'm gonna need therapy!!! I HATE MICE!!!
I am wishing I drank because there's a mouse in my den and I hate mice and we
can't find it and I hate mice! I'm walking across furniture. Won't be able to sleep-hate mice!!
We've been trying to flush it out for almost 45 minutes and I said several ugly things when it ran across the floor. I have to use the bathroom too but my feet have not touched carpet for almost 45 minutes. I hate mice!! Please pray that it goes away soon. I hate mice!!


Unknown said...

UGH. I hate mice too. It's amazing that a creature so small can scare us so much!

Valerie said...

Yuck! I don't like mice either. But, I hated the giant roaches in our hotel room in Guatemala even more!