Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I think I can, I think I can!

We're going through kind of a rough patch with the GuateTots right now.......too much to get into. Alot of it's behavioral issues with Luke. Please say a prayer that things begin to settle down around here. I am slap worn out and my patience is VERY VERY thin. And when Momma ain't happy.....
She just ain't happy and she makes it really really hard and slightly miserable for everyone else!


Anonymous said...

Sweetie hang in their.... You can do it I know you.... little prayers coming your way!

Valerie said...

I know exactly what you're going thru. It will get better with each passing day. Have faith.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should call them your children or the small children or little ones, GuateTots sounds cold, like they are objects. They are just babies and Sydney is just home a short amount of time, you must have patience, its your job as their Mother to not "lose it".

Jodi Crubaugh said...

Good grief. Tell little miss Mary Poppins to tend to her own problems and get a life. I can vouch for you being a good mommy.

Carla said...

After hearing about what a friend went through this week, you are a GOOD mommy. Trust me. {HUG}

It's hard sometimes to be Mommy 24/7, and yes...I even have days where I just want to be alone. The transition periods (which in our case are STILL going on...14 months later...) can be tough on everyone. You are welcome to email me for my phone number (or actually you know where to find my cell phone number). We can commiserate together!