Let me start by saying, this is MY STORY about MY KIDS! Any "bashing" or inappropriate messages will be DELETED! I'm not asking for approval or advice. Just answering some questions......
Here is your chance to tell your story! Copy and paste the questions into a new post and tag your friends if you'd like! Learn a little more about their experience and what adoption was like for them!
1. When did you decide to adopt?
April 2004
2. Was it a hard decision to make?
No -
3. Why did you decide to adopt?
We had major fertility issues and a bio-baby just wasn't going to happen without tons of intervention.We tried for almost a year with no success.
4. Did you choose an International or Domestic adoption?
We did Domestic for a year before God led us to International
5. Where did you adopt from?
6. Why did you choose that place?
Guatemala chose us.....we saw a picture of Luke and thought he was a domestic newborn. He was SOOOO light complected.
7. Do you incorporate any traditions from that location into your child's life?
We do have some cultural flare in our house and we've gotten involved with a Guate playgroup. We will do more as they get older.
8. When did you receive your referral?
Luke - April 25, 2005Sydney - December 9, 2006
9. How old was your child at that point?
Luke - 24 days
Sydney - 25 days
10. How did you receive the news that he/she was going to be yours?
We used a photolisting site and actually chose our children. That was really cool because we prayed over the children and let God direct us.
11. Were you able to go visit your child before pick up/ delivery?
Luke - 1 trip in August 2005
Sydney - March 2007; June 2007; November 2007; January 2008; April 2008; Late May 2008
12. When the time came, did you go get your baby or was he/she delivered to you?
We traveled to Guatemala
13. How long was your wait?
Luke - almost exactly 7 months from when we saw his pic to when we landed in the US.
Sydney - oh heavens FOREVER -- 1 year 11 months
14. What was your reaction seeing your baby and knowing they were yours?
Luke - We were so thrilled because we wanted a baby so badly!!!
We waited SOOOO long for Sydney. I was overwhelmed and nervous and joyful and scared and....I couldn't believe it!! She was finally, legally ours!!
15. How old was your child when your brought him/her home?
Luke - 7 mos 16 days
Sydney - 2 years
16. How was the transition home? Any bonding difficulties?
Luke's was a breeze. He was at a great age. Slept immediately, loved on everyone...it was so easy!!
Sydney's has been a little more difficult since she's older and there's another child in the house so close to her age. It's been a bit of a roller coaster at times. All in all, she's doing pretty darn good!
17. If you had to do it all over again, would you?
18. Do you plan on adopting again?
Lemme think about......NO! We are done!